Whatchya Watchin': The UnXplained
Another installment of the Whatchya Watchin' series. Learn all about The UnXplained with William Shatner.
Whatchya Watchin: TLaToT
The first installment of our Entertainment series Whatchya Watchin' focuses on The Life and Times of Tim.
Not The Master Chief You Know
This is my first angry rant of a blog post. Originally, it was going to be entirely about the travesty that is Paramount’s Halo TV...
Fallen Star Wars
Is one of the biggest franchises in film history still good?
The Academy Award Assault
Seeing assault and battery happening live on nationally broadcast television is a rare occurrence. Especially since Live PD got canceled....
Activism Not Entertainment
Hollywood being out of touch with your average American is hardly a new development. For decades now, when the need to drum up some sort...
Learn to Live With It
All of us have things we can’t get past in our lives. I know there’s a few things in my life I’ll never live down. Thankfully, that thing...
Not So Super
Alright, bit of a rant coming here. I’m sure I’m going to piss some of you off with this one. I can enjoy a bad movie like anyone else....